Turnaround Systems Management
A Day in the Life of Turnaround System Integration
It’s surprising how many systems are involved in the day-to-day running of a shutdown or turnaround. When we sat down and listed all the systems, we couldn’t help but wonder why it’s such a complex process or if any other business process is as long or integrated as the turnaround.
This thread lists and describes each of the systems in use during the definition, planning and execution of a major turnaround.
It is by no means an exhaustive review but should help the reader appreciate the complexity and data flow across the turnaround lifecycle.
But first, lets look at the turnaround solution map.
Very quickly we identified 30 separate systems/processes that are involved in the turnaround lifecycle. For sure there are more, and this just represents a quick brain-dump. We then selected half of them to discuss in more detail in the following pages:
TAR Budget, TAR Scoping, Master Data Management, TAR Approval, TAR Worklist, TAR Procurement, Warehouse Management, Construction Management, Scheduling, Contractor Materials, Field Progress, QAQC, Daily Reports, Scope Change Control and Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR).
The three areas of each process we focus on are:
Importance, Integration and Benefit.
There are many more processes involved in the integrated turnaround management system, but this brief review should provide the reader with the general idea – integration is key.
Connecting every transaction digitally: from the initial scope request through PSSR allows leadership to trace everything forwards and backwards through the lifecycle, thus providing a feedback loop that supports continual improvement.
Fortunately, this integrated environment is no longer a dream, but is a reality; thanks to the power of the data model and the integration software that now exists.
Xytalis is proud to help your company create your best integrated turnaround data model. We have over 30 years experience in the subject of turnarounds and construction project management.
Contact us and arrange a call.